:.. Events around the world

:.. ITALIA :.. LECCE 2023


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My stage name is ‘ALEX IL VIAGGIATORE’ from 1978 to the present…
I was born in Rome in 1972.

Passionate about travel, photography, archaeology and drawing,

I began cultivating these interests as a child,

which also led me to choose a course of study in this field.

I graduated from the III Liceo Artistico Statale di Roma with an “Architecture”

address in 1990, and then specialised as a professional photographer

at the Accademia Cromatica di Fotografia.

In 1991, I came second in the ‘Ottica Vasari (1860)’ photography competition with

a photo of Petra (Jordan).

In 1998 I qualified as a ‘Multimedia Production and Image Processing Technician’

with a scholarship at the Orao Consortium directed by the well-known Folco Quilici.

My teachers were Emanuele Floridia and Renato Rizzato for art training,


and CARLO MARRAFFA for photography.

During my formative years I had the opportunity to personally get to know

and appreciate

Pier Augusto BRECCIA, an artist of international renown, considered
in the contemporary art world as the Master of Hermeneutic Painting

and the Prof. PAOLO  MORENO, archaeologist, scholar, popularizer and teacher of

Archeology and history of Greek and Roman art at the University of Roma Tre.

In the field of tourism, I had as a teacher Dr. Francesco Granese, former Director of

Confindustria Assotravel, specialised in Marketing Strategy and

Communication in tourism.

My interest in travel and photography led me to develop a career as a 

photojournalist in Italy and abroad.

Over the years, through countless photographs and drawings,

I have collected real-life

sensations and experiences that led me to first launch the stage

name “Alex il Viaggiatore”

on the web, designing its logo in 2003 and choosing it in 2004 as

a domain for non-profit scientific dissemination.

In 2003

I participated as a columnist and traveller with my photos of Jordan and Syria

on Sky TV’s first digital travel channel ‘Marcopolo’ in the programme

‘Il Milione’ hosted by Marco Falaguasta, an Italian actor, playwright and director.

In 2007

I received the ‘Marca Brasil’ from Embratur for educational purposes

and projects to promote Brazil in the world.

I have received national and international recognition by participating in

exhibitions and events from 2015 to the present.

Since 2011, I have set up and curated group and solo exhibitions in galleries and other exhibition spaces.

My passion for travelling arose from my curiosity to come into contact with different places, situations, cultures, and people.

For me, there is no journey better than another, because every journey is

an experience that shapes you.

Before leaving, I dream, read, document and organise the itinerary.

     The confrontation with different cultural identities indicates a desire and  

ability to question oneself in order to understand and adapt to

different contexts,
respecting the culture and environment of the travel destination.

To better render what I have said,

I use photography or drawing as testimony, memory and remembrance

of the history

and artistic, architectural, archaeological,

landscape and cultural heritage of the country visited.

I always try to produce original and quality images,

always using a sophisticated language.


:.. 1986 – 1991 :.. III State Artistic High School – Rome (Italy)

:.. 1996 – 1997 :.. Professional qualification (EU)

as Multimedia Technician – Rome Italy)

:.. 2009 – 2010 :..

Professional qualification (EU) as Photographer

Chromatic Academy of Photography – Rome (Italy)


:.. Anno 1991

:.. 2nd place in the “Ottica Vasari” photography competition (1860)

Piazza della Repubblica – Rome (Italy)

:.. Year 2015
:.. Premio delle Arti “Donato Bramante” – Associazione Internazionale Galleria “Il Collezionista”
Set. 2015 :.. Sale del Bramante in Piazza del Popolo a Roma (Italia)
:.. Premio Internazionale “Marco Polo” Ambasciatore dell’Arte – international Art Award – Prix International d’Art
Ass. Socio Culturale Ea Editore Palermo e Effetto Arte
Set. 2015 :.. Palazzo Marin a Venezia (Italia)
:.. Primo Premio Internazionale Unesco – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Primo Premio Internazionale della Cultura – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Primo Premio Internazionale Antonello da Messina – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
Ass. Socio Culturale Ea Editore Palermo e Effetto Arte
Nov. 2015 :.. Sala Rossa del Teatro Politeama di Palermo (Italia)
:.. Dic. 2015
:.. Premio Internazionale d’Arte “David di Gian Lorenzo Bernini” – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Premio Internazionale per i Diritti Umani – Anne Frank (1945 – 2015)
:.. Antico Teatro “G. Paisiello” – Lecce (Italia)
:.. Ass. Culturale “Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo” di Brindisi
:.. Premio Arte Poseidone – Precis Arte (agenzia specializzata in eventi e mostre d’arte) – Palazzo Barion – Taranto (Italia)
:.. Year 2016
:.. Gen. 2016
“Artista dell’anno 2015”
Ass. Socio Culturale Ea Editore Palermo e Effetto Arte
Sala conferenze :.. Centro Congressi Hotel San Paolo Palace – Palermo (Italia)
:.. Premio Mercurio D’Oro per L’Arte :.. ArtExpò Gallery :.. Sala Congressi Hotel Miramare – Cesenatico (Italia)
:.. Giu. 2016
:.. Premio Internazionale d’Arte “Minerva” International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Sala Apulia, Gran Hotel President – Lecce (Italia)
Ass. Culturale “Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo” – Brindisi
Dic. 2016 :.. Premio Internazionale d’Arte “Beato Angelico” – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Antico Teatro “G. Paisiello” – Lecce (Italia)
:.. Premio Internazionale “La Pigna” – International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Galleria La Pigna :.. Palazzo Maffei Marescotti – Stato Vaticano (Italia)
:.. Set. 2016 :.. Palma D’Oro per L’arte :.. Premio Biennale per le Arti Visive :.. International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. ArtExpo Gallery :.. Hotel & Resort – Montecarlo (Principato di Monaco)
:.. Year 2023
:.. Dic. 2023
:.. Premio Mercurio 2023 :.. International Art Award – Prix International d’Art
:.. Antico Teatro “G. Paisiello” di Lecce (Italia)
:.. Ass. Culturale “Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo” di Brindisi

:.. I have participated in 17 national and international art exhibitions, 4 individual and 13 group exhibitions.

4 solo exhibitions :. Rome (3) – ITALY and Vatican City (1) VATICAN CITY – VA

13 group exhibitions :. Rome (3) ITALY , Spoleto – PG (1) ITALY, Taranto (1) ITALY , Lecce (1)

ITALY , Palermo (1) ITALY,

Noto – SR (1) ITALY , Vatican City (3) – VATICAN STATE – VA , Berlin (1) – GERMANY – DE

and Cochabamba (1) – BOLIVIA – BO.

:.. 2011 – La mia India – Municipio VIII – Roma – Italia
:.. 2011 – La Forma e L’Acqua – Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo “Cristoforo Colombo” – Roma – Italia
:.. 2016 – Travel in and out of Rome – Galleria La Pigna – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti – Roma – Stato Vaticano
:.. 2017 – Ritratti Indiani – Antica Stamperia Rubattino – Roma – Italia

:.. 2015 – Mostra internazionale – Complesso Monumentale Museale Sale del Bramante – Roma – Italia
:.. 2015 – Roma Art, Biennale Internazionale di Arte e Cultura – Fiera di Roma – Roma – Italia
:.. 2015 – Spoleto Arte – Palazzo Leti Sansi – Spoleto (Perugia) – Italia
:.. 2015 – Festival Internazionale “L’Isola che C’è”- Villa Castelnuovo – Palermo – Italia
:.. 2015 – Mostra internazionale – Complesso Museale “Convitto Ragusa” di Noto (SR) – Italia
:.. 2015 – Mostra internazionale – Palazzo Barion – Taranto – Italia
:.. 2016 – Anni’50 – Galleria La Pigna – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti – Roma – Stato Vaticano
:.. 2017 – XXXVI Edizione della Rassegna Internazionale di artisti brasiliani, portoghesi, argentini e italiani
– Galleria La Pigna – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti – Roma – Stato Vaticano
:.. 2017 – Omaggio all’Estetica Paradisiaca – Galleria La Pigna – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti – Roma – Stato Vaticano
:.. 2017 – Progetto il mio Borgo, lo racconto, lo fotografo, lo dipingo… Casa dei Mutilati e Invalidi di Guerra – Roma – Italia
:.. 2022 – Mostra internazionale dal 17 Dicembre al 23 Dicembre presso Von Zeidler Art Gallery – Berlino – Germania
:.. 2022 – 2023 – Progetto interculturale – Mostra internazionale “Punto di contatto” a Cochabamba in Bolivia dal 17 Dicembre 2022
al 7 Gennaio 2023 presso Novecento – Restaurante Cafe italiano a Cochabamba, (Bolivia)
:.. 2023 – Mostra collettiva internazionale dall’ 1 al 10 Dicembre 2023 – Biennale delle arti visive – “L’era degli dei”
Progetto”Gli Echi della Magna Grecia” – Museo storico città di Lecce (Puglia – Italia)
IMAGE OF WORK with details such as size, technique and year painted
APPOINTMENTS (If appointed to position of responsibility as ie curator, judge, director,
coordinator, president. N/A if not applicable):

:.. Juror for art competition

:.. April 2016

Diploma as Juror for Art Competition at the Caffè delle Arti Cultural

Association of Adro (BS) . ITALY

Selection and evaluation work of the graphic and pictorial works registered

for the Figurative Literary Award

“C’era una volta un bambino come me…”

:.. Curator of events from 2011 to 2018 at galleries and other spaces

for organizing events (personal and collective art exhibitions)


:.. Carlo Marraffa presentation of Alessandro Fagiolo solo exhibition
This is the exhibition of a young photographer,

Alessandro Fagiolo, who is good with a capital B because he succeeds very well in taking photographs, using equipment,
lighting and framing, but he is also good for another reason that makes the photographer an artist:
“The photographer sees what others do not see” and indeed in all the works he presents he offers us something more that goes beyond the images.
Carlo Marraffa (Former President of Ucai Roma, curator, photography teacher and visual   and graphic arts professional)
Rome, 10 November 2016 – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti (La Pigna Gallery – State Vatican)


«Alex il viaggiatore» Rome, Italy
